What is ymarks?
ymarks is a two-component KISS bookmark synchronization service, it consists of a server component which you'll have to run anywhere and a client component which will have to be installed in your browser(s). Its name is a pun on the (now defunct) Xmarks service.
Which browsers are supported?
By the time of writing, ymarks semi-officially supports Mozilla Firefox and Vivaldi. Rumors suggest that Google Chrome, Opera and Microsoft Edge might or might not work as well.
How can I install and use ymarks?
- Grab your server executable.
- If you are on Windows, this website provides a precompiled binary on the Welcome page.
- On any other operating system, please grab the source code from the Fossil repository and follow the instructions in the repository's README.
- There is a GitHub mirror for the repository as well.
- Install the browser extension from this website. You will have to define hostname, port and PIN of your ymarks server. If you run the server locally and you haven't changed the port and PIN, the server runs on http://localhost:8888 and the PIN is 12345. The README mentioned above tells you how to change them if you feel like you should.
- Now you have a working ymarks toolbar menu in your browser. Enjoy!
Why are all of my bookmarks gone?!
One disadvantage of my KISS approach is that there are no incremental bookmarks. The "download" process replaces all of your bookmarks by the ones stored on your server (unless there is an error with your server). Be careful!
How can I add more than one user?
You cannot.
Is there a version of ymarks for mobile versions of Firefox?
Why did you write the server in C instead of the superior Go?
From the Go FAQ: "A simple C "hello, world" program (...) on Linux is around 750 kB, including an implementation of printf. An equivalent Go program using fmt.Printf weighs a couple of megabytes, but (blah, blah)." That's pretty much all.
This website sucks!
That's not even a question!